Misdemeanor Charges Dismissed To Save A Man’s CDL
Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer Sean Hessler recently represented a 52-year-old truck driver when a misunderstanding led to a very bleak reality. Apparently, this man was driving down the road when he saw a female motorist, driving erratically. Believing her to…
Read ArticleSteep Rise in Child Abuse Reports
According to new information from the Indiana Office of Court Services, the number of “child in need of services” (CHINS) cases increased dramatically between 2010 and 2015. CHINS cases involve reports of abuse or neglect toward children 17 years old…
Read Article33-Year-Old Receives Drastically Reduced Sentence
If you are facing the harsh consequences of a criminal conviction in Indiana, it is vital to have a skilled defense attorney, like Sean Hessler, who has experience maneuvering through the rigid sentencing procedures to find the best possible result….
Read ArticleNo Jail For An Indianapolis Man Charged With Felony Strangulation
In Indianapolis, a 38-year-old house painter wound up in legal trouble, resulting from a heated argument with his wife that rose to the level of domestic violence. Officers were called to the disturbance and charged him with felony strangulation, which…
Read ArticleProtective Order Not Granted In For Woman In Divorce
A 30-year-old woman from Jackson County was in the process of a complicated divorce from her husband when she was charged with a protective order. The woman was a housekeeper at a hotel and was alleged to have made violent…
Read ArticleCase Dismissed For Illegal Citizen Charged With Multiple Offenses
Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Sean Hessler recently represented a man in his 20s from Marion County. The man was charged with multiple offenses including domestic violence, Class A misdemeanor battery, and Class A misdemeanor domestic battery against his wife after…
Read ArticleMarion County Man Avoids Multiple Domestic Battery Convictions
We recently helped a man charged in Marion County with the following domestic violence offenses: Battery on a person less than 14 years old, charged as a level 6 felony Criminal recklessness, charged as a level 6 felony Domestic battery,…
Read ArticleHow a Domestic Dispute Can Lead To A Domestic Violence Charge
Domestic violence, or intimate partner abuse, is a serious and prevalent issue that impacts every community throughout the country and world, regardless of race, region, or socioeconomic standing. There are millions of instances of domestic violence every year and hundreds…
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