Legal Blog

19-Year-Old College Student Sees Possession of Alcohol Case Dismissed

25 October 2018 | Alcohol,  Case Results,  

Attorney Sean Hessler

Written by
Sean Hessler

25 October 2018

Alcohol,  Case Results,  

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Recently, a young college student found themselves in some trouble after they were caught with some beer while attending an Indy 500 event. A police officer saw her walking around with a beer, struck up a conversation, took her beer, and charged her with a class A misdemeanor for underage possession of alcohol. Knowing a conviction could greatly impact her education and future career, she reached out to Hessler Law for help.

Attorney Sean Hessler’s client was very civically-minded at school, and very involved with different aspects of campus life, so he was able to negotiate a diversion agreement on her behalf. This agreement included paying a fine. Once that payment was submitted, her case was dismissed.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.