Legal Blog

32-Year-Old Delivery Driver Sees Multiple Drug Charges Dismissed

01 November 2018 | Case Results,  Drug Charges,  

Attorney Sean Hessler

Written by
Sean Hessler

01 November 2018

Case Results,  Drug Charges,  

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After a routine traffic stop, an Indiana delivery driver found himself facing multiple drug-related criminal charges, including a class B misdemeanor for possession of marijuana, and a class C misdemeanor for possession of paraphernalia. After finding a pipe in the man’s car and smelling marijuana in the vehicle, the man was arrested. As such, he was searched “incident to arrest,” and the police officer found marijuana in his pocket. Knowing the implications of convictions for these charges, he retained the counsel of Indianapolis criminal defense attorney Sean Hessler.

Through swift negotiation, attorney Hessler obtained a diversion agreement for his client, through which the man had to take a drug awareness class, pay a fee, and complete 24 hours of community service. After successful completion of all of these requirements, his case was dismissed.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.