Home | Drug Charges Reduced For Man In FedEx Case
A man in his late teens was charged with a Class A felony of dealing methamphetamine. Other charges incurred by him were a Class C possession of methamphetamine, Class C possession of firearm, a Class B dealing marijuana, and Class B possession of marijuana. The charge came after FedEx received a particularly smelly box with a shipping address. Police officers investigated the box and found one kilo of methamphetamine and six kilos of weed inside. Through a controlled delivery, officers re-packaged the box and sent it to the man on the address.
After the box was delivered, the police went inside the house and arrested our client. It was later found out that the man was a drug dealer in between jobs. He had been doing odd jobs around his neighborhood. When the case went to Marion County court, Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer Sean Hessler fought for a good result for his client. The question of whether or not our client knew the package was being delivered to his house came into question and was pointed out by attorney Hessler. Having no previous drug history on his record, it seemed unlikely. Facing many years in prison, we took a plea. Our client was sentenced to five years of home detention.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.