Legal Blog

Misdemeanor Gun Charge Dismissed For 63-Year-Old Man

02 September 2016 | Case Results,  Criminal Defense,  Weapons Charges,  

Attorney Sean Hessler

Written by
Sean Hessler

02 September 2016

Case Results,  Criminal Defense,  Weapons Charges,  

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In today’s hectic climate surrounding airport security, officials take traveler safety very seriously and even a simple oversight, while hastily packing for a flight can result in significant legal worry. Such was the case for a 63-year-old man, who in a rush to make a flight, neglected to remove a handgun from his briefcase. TSA officials discovered the weapon when it went through the X-ray machine. The gun was confiscated and officials issued the man a summons for the misdemeanor gun charge, which carries a possible one-year jail sentence. With no prior criminal history and the gravity of having a serious weapons charges levied against him, the man knew that he would need the help of qualified legal professionals, so he reached out to Indianapolis criminal lawyers with Hessler Law.

Attorney Sean Hessler used his extensive experience with Indiana weapons cases in an effort to mitigate his client’s possible repercussions. After negotiating and explaining the man’s circumstances, the prosecutor eventually agreed to dismiss the gun charge based on the payment of a fine. When considering the potential ramifications of carrying a weapon into an airport, this was an outstanding result that may not have been possible if not for attorney Sean Hessler’s intervention.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.