Home | Shoplifting Case Dismissed for 33 Year Old Mother
Being a parent can be challenging, and raising children can be expensive. Sometimes it may be tempting to pocket a container of formula or a pair of socks while out shopping for your child. Shoplifting is illegal, though, and if you’re caught stealing items from a store like an Indiana mother of two recently was, you’ll need a shoplifting attorney to help build your defense.
Attorney Sean Hessler recently helped a woman who was caught – on camera – stealing baby clothes negotiate a diversion agreement and avoid a misdemeanor conviction. Through successful completion of 20 hours of community service and the payment of fees, attorney Hessler’s client saw her case dismissed, thus preventing a conviction from appearing on her record.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.